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Open Lines Speech and Communication

Premier Speech Therapy Services in New York City and Los Angeles

Welcome to

Open Lines Speech and Communication!

Open Lines® provides holistic, highly personalized, and innovative solutions to help you communicate with confidence and excellence to maximize your full potential.

At Open Lines®, we treat you as a unique, whole being with multidimensional needs. Whether you are recovering from an illness or trauma, need to overcome speech and language difficulties, or want to professionally communicate with excellence, we help you navigate your personal journey to achieve your goals.


The PRESENCE™ Approach

Open Lines® specialists have an extremely high success rate. Clinicians discharge children and adults who have met their goals faster than other speech therapy practices. We also help many post-stroke survivors return to work and give iconic actors, high-profile attorneys, and powerful executives premium voice coaching to take their profession to the next level. We attribute much of our success to Open Lines®’ PRESENCE™ Approach, a proprietary treatment model to deliver evidence-based speech therapy by our fully licensed speech-language pathologists (SLPs) overseen by doctorate-level supervision.

Open Lines®’ PRESENCE™ Approach recognizes that meaningful progress and lasting success must address cognitive-communication and physical needs as well as the psychological and emotional considerations which impact your journey and long-term success.


Exceptional Care for Speech Therapy Patients

Health, circumstances, and a busy life in the city are a few of the many factors that can make access to speech therapy in a busy city a challenge for some. The Open Lines® team is committed to removing as many limitations as possible, especially in these ever-changing times. We monitor our caseload and focus on the details, such as ensuring our hour-long sessions or by providing extended two- to three-hour sessions for those with intensive needs. We provide individual and group speech therapy for children and adults, as well as online speech therapy — a platform for providing services to you in the convenience of your own home or workplace. At Open Lines®, your team is up to date, trained, and always looking for opportunities to make your care a positive, personal, and fruitful experience.

Our premier team of uniquely trained licensed SLPs bring years of clinical knowledge and implement scientific expertise with the art of intuitive caring to help you manage all these factors and achieve success.


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252 W 76th Street, Suite 1A
New York, NY 10023

For more information about our Los Angeles location, click here.


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