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Our Philosophy on Speech-Language Pathology

At Open Lines Speech and Communication, our mission is to utilize speech-language pathology to create open lines® of functional communication between all stakeholders in a supportive, caring atmosphere.

Our staff of speech-language pathologists in NYC are committed to making an impact that reaches beyond the clinical environment. We promote evidence-based care that focuses on an integrated approach to therapy. We believe a clinical practice is incomplete if it merely provides treatment; it must also be directly involved in research, education, and political advocacy.

In order for our clients to be confident members of their communities, they must not only be able to communicate but they must be able to make themselves understood. It is our goal to open the lines of communication with clients, family members, and other members of each client’s network to ensure this success.

Get in Touch With Open Lines®

keep in touch img-mother-daughter-smiling

Schedule a free phone consultation