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Children and teens speaking in front of groups, giving presentations, public speaking, and seeking to improve their voice.


A comprehensive evaluation of voice, speech, and communication.


Education, exercises, and techniques to optimize voice, manage stress and anxiety, and enhance delivery.

lionhearted lecturers icon

Pediatric Public Speaking/Vocal Strength Program

The Lionhearted Lecturers

Whether the thought of delivering a presentation or speech at school, conversing with friends, or interviewing with prospective colleges is thrilling or grim to your child, speaking in public is something we all must do and wish to excel at.

boy giving presentation in class

Why People Fear Public Speaking

Public speaking involves the inextricable balance between a person’s thinking, language, emotions, voice, and speech production systems working in sync. Many children find that public speaking interactions cause them a great deal of stress.

Emotions and negative thought patterns can not only cause children to feel overwhelmed; they may impact the organization of their thoughts, the way they express themselves, and the quality of their voice. Some may feel rushed or breathless, have difficulty adequately projecting their voice, or notice that their voice sounds hoarse or croaky. Consequently, some children may feel embarrassed, have difficulty finding the words they want to say and control their voice and speech. Consequently, they may begin to avoid various speaking situations altogether.

How to Help Your Child With Public Speaking

little girl speaking in front of other students

The Lionhearted Lecturers program was developed to help your child or teen speak and interact with confidence while letting his or her true personality shine through. With detailed knowledge of the physiology of integrated communication systems, your speech-language pathologist (SLP) will guide your child through a comprehensive evaluation to determine areas of strength and need (i.e., projection, breath support, pitch, tone, vocal quality, speech rate and clarity) and to better understand their unique goals.

Our specialists will then work with you and your child to develop a plan of action with personally-relevant exercises and strategies designed to optimize your child’s delivery, reduce stress, and enhance comfort and ease across communicative contexts.

Moving from simple to more complex exercises, we integrate a variety of specifically designed evidence-based techniques aimed to strengthen control of voice and loudness, increase speech clarity, organize thought and language, and improve overall delivery. Our caring team of clinicians helps your child or adolescent confidently express thoughts to friends in the lunchroom, present academic information in the classroom, or interview for high school or college entry.

We also address the negative beliefs and thought patterns that result in fear, anxiety, and stress associated with speaking so your child or teen will be able to approach situations with confidence in their ability to communicate!

Pediatric Public Speaking Programs at Open Lines®

Contact Open Lines® today by phone at 212-430-6800, by email at [email protected], or through our contact form. If you are ready to take the next steps in helping your child become more comfortable speaking confidently in public, request an appointment to discuss your goals and review our service options.

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