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Visit Our Office

Open Lines® Speech and Communication

252 W 76th Street, Suite 1A
New York, NY 10023


Secure Fax


1 / 2 / 3 / 5 Trains

Take the 1, 2, 3, or 5 Train to the 72 St/Broadway stop and walk North 4 blocks on Broadway. Turn left (west) on W 76th Street and walk half a block.

M104 Bus

Take the M104 bus to Broadway/W 76 St and walk West on W 76th street for half a block.

M79 Select Bus Service

Take the M79 Select Bus Service bus to Broadway/W 79 St and walk South on Broadway for 3 blocks. Turn right (west) on W 76th Street and walk half a block.

M5 Bus

Take the M5 bus to Riverside Dr/W 74 St and walk North on Riverside Drive for 1.5 blocks. Turn right (east) on W 76th Street and walk 1.5 blocks.

M7 / M11 Bus

Take the M7 or M11 bus to Amsterdam Ave/W 77 St and walk South on Amsterdam Ave for 1.5 blocks. Turn right (west) on W 76th Street and walk 1.5 blocks.


Champion: Carousel Parking Corp
Enterprise Barmax Garage
RapidPark: 254 West 79th Street

Speech Therapy in New York City

Open Lines® is proud to serve people with speech, voice, and language needs in New York City. Our programs are developed and overseen by faculty with NYU Grossman School of Medicine and experienced clinical experts. Our team provides holistic approaches for your needs. Services are provided in-person or remotely through an online platform for your convenience and comfort. Our rates are flexible and based on your specific clinician, the nature of your sessions, and other needs. We offer trained and passionate SLP services in your home or at your child’s school, bettering your life through quality services.

Our Services Will Help Your Life

If you want or need to rebuild, enhance, or improve in the areas of language, voice, and speaking, we offer the following services to help you:

We’re Here to Serve You

Regardless of your specific condition or needs, you don’t have to make your journey alone. Our team of professionals is ready to help you better your life with comprehensive services that rebuild, enhance, and improve your abilities. We’ll assess your needs through a free phone consultation, discuss your goals, and determine the best plan to achieve results.

Get in Touch With Open Lines®

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Schedule a free phone consultation