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The PRESENCE™ Approach

An Integrated Method to Speech-Language Pathology

Open Lines®’ approach to speech-language pathology is holistic. Our talented team of clinicians treats you as a unique, whole being with multidimensional needs.

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Why Choose Open Lines® PRESENCE™ Approach?

We implement a perfect blend of scientific expertise with the art of intuitive caring to help you achieve success. We attribute our high rate of success in part to our proprietary PRESENCE™ Approach, which is only available at Open Line Speech and Communication P.C.

All our services are provided by qualified speech-language pathologists (SLP) who are state and nationally licensed. All Open Lines®’ services are overseen by doctoral-level supervision. We always adhere to best clinical practices for speech therapy when providing our services. The PRESENCE™ Approach is a supplemental reinforcement that enhances the exceptional speech therapy services we provide.

the presence approach diagram

Beyond Speech Therapy

The PRESENCE™ Approach is a proprietary approach to treatment developed in-house, which incorporates elements of counseling, physical and cognitive rehabilitation, neuroscience, exercise, speech motor and cognitive-communication science, and mindfulness education provided via an empathetic approach to speech-language pathology. The PRESENCE™ Approach is supported by the latest evidence-based research coupled with decades of clinical experience.

Each of our clinicians has advanced training in our specialized PRESENCE™ Approach, bringing a breadth of diversity to our practice that further distinguishes Open Lines® from other practices.

Scientific Expertise

Open Lines®’ proprietary PRESENCE™ Approach combines cutting-edge research from diverse medical and wellbeing fields and integrates it with the latest clinical best practices.

We are more than just clinicians. We actively present research findings and publish papers in strong, peer-reviewed scientific journals. We also teach students and clinicians about the neurological underpinnings of communication and treatment interventions at medical and rehabilitation conferences and classes at universities and academic medical centers around the world. See our gallery of papers and links at the bottom of this page for details.

In addition to running Open Line Speech and Communication P.C. in New York City and Los Angeles, our executive director, Dr. Jessica Galgano, is affiliated with NYU Grossman School of Medicine, holds an adjunct faculty position at New York University, and is a faculty member and clinical expert for LSVT® Global, Inc.

Dr. Galgano has also met with United States Senators on behalf of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) to advocate for speech-language pathologists. She is also Vice President and Treasurer for the Parkinson’s Unity Walk and is Member-at-Large for the Executive Board of the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences. These activities allow Open Lines® clinicians access to the latest evidence-based research and direct association with the leaders in the fields of medicine and speech-language pathology.

Art of Care

Open Lines® is truly different because our support—unlike that of other practices—uniquely addresses any impact your emotions or psychological state have on your ability to think and communicate.

We apply a variety of principles to impact your ability to enhance your internal motivation, drive, feelings of well-being, and ability to regulate your emotions so you can succeed.

We Take Care of Your Unique Needs

Regardless of your age or a particular situation, our specially trained clinicians address you or your loved one’s individual needs in a manner that will be convenient and efficient. As a private practice, we can offer the highest level of care without restriction.

We Treat You as a Holistic Being

Our team is deeply committed to a holistic approach. We focus on the cognitive, physical, and emotional contributions to your ability to communicate and aim to improve the quality of your life by meeting all of your goals.

We Collaborate With and for You

We want to maximize your success and will incorporate a collaborative approach involving other specialists, physicians, educators, and family members if requested. Helping you meet your goals is our priority.

We Respect Your Privacy

We understand privacy is a serious matter. Whether you are a working professional within a program or have your child enrolled in a private program, our work with you and your family will remain private, and our staff will respect your requests.

Publications and Research by Open Lines® Staff

Interested in the latest national and international research conducted by our clinical scientists at Open Lines®?


Here are our published articles, available in PDF file format, with links to the online publications:

Get in Touch With Open Lines®

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