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Children’s Speech Therapy

Open Lines® offers children the opportunity to learn, grow, develop, and thrive in their education and lives through children’s speech therapy. We’ve included the following resources that come highly recommended by our team of language pathology professionals. If you can’t find help that suits you, don’t worry. Just ask us for what you need! We have an open phone line where you can reach us and a contact form to schedule an appointment. We’re passionate about meeting your child’s needs.

therapist working with young boy using blocks

Speech and Language Developmental Milestones

Developing linguistic milestones is an effective way to keep track of your child’s progress and determine whether they need assistance. The best way to remedy a speech delay is by getting started sooner than later. For further resources, check out these links to help you nurture your child’s speech and language development:

American Speech-Language -Hearing Association

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) mission makes adequate language abilities more accessible and easier to attain. You can learn more about them and what they can do for your child by visiting their website.

Other Resources

There are many resources available that you can explore. The following resources will help you select the best educational options for your child:

We’re Here to Foster Your Child’s Potential

If you’re a parent who’s concerned about your child’s speech and language development, you’re not alone. We’re here to help you along the way and provide the resources, services, and education your child needs to succeed. We’ll pave a brighter future for your child.

Get in Touch With Open Lines®

keep in touch img-mother-daughter-smiling

Schedule a free phone consultation