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Meet Our Speech-Language Pathologists

We only hire the top speech-language pathologists in the greater New York City area. All clinical work performed by Open Lines® is overseen by Dr. Jessica Galgano.


Jessica Galgano, PhD

Founder, CEO, Speech-Language Pathologist

Dr. Jessica Galgano is a speech-language pathologist and the Founder and CEO of Open Lines Speech and Communication. Her personal experience growing up with a parent who suffered a combat-wounded Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) while serving in Vietnam drove her to master the art and science of neurological rehabilitation. She founded her visionary clinic, Open Lines Speech and Communication, on the principle that it is never too late to improve one’s voice, speech, or cognitive-communication abilities.

The highest standards of academic and clinical practice are reflected in Dr. Galgano’s professional experience. She received her doctoral degree in Biobehavioral Sciences from Columbia University, where she conducted research on the neural underpinnings of voice using brain imaging modalities. Dr. Galgano is an LSVT LOUD® clinical expert and faculty instructor with LSVT Global, Inc., for whom she regularly teaches and lectures about evidence-based intensive therapy programs for people with neurologically based voice and communication disorders at major medical institutions in the US and worldwide. She is one of six LSVT LOUD® faculty instructors and clinical experts in the world.

Dr. Galgano is proud to be an Executive Board Member of the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences (ANCDS), an association that supports practitioners who serve individuals with neurologic communication disorders by providing education, training, and certification opportunities to promote high-quality professional service. She has held research scientist positions at NYU Langone School of Medicine and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and currently holds a faculty instructor position at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. She has been an adjunct professor with NYU, Columbia University, Teachers College, and San Francisco State University where she taught graduate coursework in the areas of voice disorders and neurogenic communication disorders that result from acquired (e.g., stroke) and progressive neurological disease (e.g., Parkinson’s disease, cognitive changes).

Further, close relationships with the Bank Street School for Children, The Spence School, and Corlears School for over a decade have also supported Dr. Galgano’s numerous years of clinical experience as a pediatric speech-language pathologist. In addition to clinical work, she has examined the effectiveness of intensive voice treatment in children with neurogenic speech disorders secondary to Cerebral Palsy and in children with Autism.

Dr. Galgano’s clinical expertise and research interests include examining and treating the clinical effectiveness of techniques and treatments available for professional voice users and performers, such as those used by the LaMaMa theater group based in NYC. She also specializes in the treatment of neurogenic respiratory-voice, speech and language disorders resulting from stroke (i.e., aphasia, apraxia of speech, dysarthria) and progressive neurological disease (e.g., Parkinson disease, PSP.)

One of Dr. Galgano’s main findings during her time as a researcher relates to the role of emotional pathways in the brain during the production of voice and speech. Before she researched the impact of stress and emotional influences on voice, Dr. Galgano studied the nerve potentials which occur to initiate it. This is of particular importance for patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease, where initiation of a movement or action is acutely impaired. Her work identified a novel method to analyze these potentials using high density electroencephalography which overcame shortcomings associated with earlier methods.


Olivia Kelly, MS

Supervisor, Speech-Language Pathologist

Olivia Kelly received her Master’s of Science in Speech-Language Pathology from Teachers College, Columbia University. She holds additional certifications in LSVT LOUD®, Teaching Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD), and Speech Systems Intelligibility Treatment (SSIT).

Olivia brings a background as a medical social worker to her work as a Speech and Language Pathologist, providing her with expertise and insight on the psychosocial impact of illness, disability, and communication impairments on an individual, family, and community. As an SLP, Olivia’s work with both pediatric and adult populations is grounded in a person-centered model of care wherein she hopes to support individuals to reach their full potential. Her experience includes the treatment of adults living with neurogenic communication disorders, including aphasia, apraxia, and dysarthria. She has additionally worked in public and charter school systems as well as clinical settings treating and evaluating children with an array of speech and language disorders including fluency disorders, childhood apraxia of speech, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and a variety of developmental delays.

In addition to her clinical work, Olivia has assisted research conducted in Dr. Lisa Edmond’s Aphasia Rehabilitation and Bilingualism Research Lab at Columbia University. She assisted research on Dr. Edmond’s Verb Network Strengthening Treatment (VNeST) and Marion Leamon’s study examining conversation skills in people with aphasia.


Grace Ji Yan Tsang, MS

Senior Speech-Language Pathologist

Grace received her Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology from Teachers College, Columbia University. She holds additional certifications in LSVT LOUD for adults and children, Teaching Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD), and Speech Systems Intelligibility Treatment (SSIT). She is also fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese.

As a clinician, Grace is committed to providing care that is specifically tailored for each client as well as providing functional therapy that allows clients to see results in their day-to-day life. She is passionate about helping individuals rebuild and improve their communicative confidence and efficacy. Grace's specialties when working with adults include post-stroke aphasia, dysarthria, apraxia, and progressive neurological communication disorders. She has helped retired individuals meet their goals of recovering verbal communication, increasing their quality of life, and their ability to connect with loved ones. She has also helped working individuals meet their goals of returning to work by providing intensive intervention that supports the rebuilding of language and the higher level cognitive skills specific to each individual's occupation.

She has worked in early intervention, clinical and school settings treating and evaluating children with an array of speech and language disorders as a result of developmental delay, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder or TBI. When working with individuals, Grace understands the importance of providing education and support for the whole family so that individuals feel motivated, happy, and excited to attend sessions. With this in mind, Grace is able to provide intensive intervention for both pediatric and adult individuals, supporting them through month-long intensive programs where individuals are fully supported, committed to practice at home, and able to meet their goals.

In addition to clinical work, she is keenly interested in research and has worked with Dr. Jessica Galgano on the applications of LSVT LOUD on treating dysarthria in various clinical populations.


Bridget Barrett, MS

Supervisor, Speech-Language Pathologist

Bridget Barrett received her Master’s of Science in Speech-Language Pathology from New York University. She holds additional certifications in LSVT LOUD for individuals with Parkinson’s disease and other neurologically based communication difficulties, LSVT LOUD…for Kids! and the Teaching Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD).

Bridget has a wide range of clinical experiences at NYU Langone School of Medicine, NYU Langone Cochlear Implant Center, RUSK Rehabilitation at the Ambulatory Care Center, and a plethora of NYC private schools. Her expertise includes pre-school-aged language stimulation, school-aged language, articulation, and literacy therapy. Bridget is passionate about working with school-aged students to help them reach their full potential socially and in the classroom!

Bridget’s clinical practice is rooted in evidence-based practice and person-centered therapy to ensure the highest quality care for each patient. She is passionate about implementing functional speech-language therapy across the lifespan, particularly with children from birth to 18 years. Working with families, caregivers, teachers, and allied health professionals is of the utmost importance to Bridget as she understands the value of a whole-person approach to development and rehabilitation.


Brianna Rogers, MS

Senior Supervisor, Speech-Language Pathologist

Brianna Rogers is the Supervising Speech-Language Pathologist at Open Lines™. She received her Master’s of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Teachers College, Columbia University, and holds additional certifications in LSVT LOUD, Teaching Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD), and Speech Systems Intelligibility Treatment (SSIT).

With an established background in treatment of neurological disorders, Brianna has extensive experience working with adults who want to increase quality of life while dealing with a neurodegenerative disease, are recovering from stroke/brain injury, or are working professionals looking to refine their skills. Her expertise involves preparing individuals to return to work after stroke/brain injury through intensive treatment. Intensive treatment involves challenging clients with high-level cognitive tasks that are individualized to the specific role they want to resume through daily sessions. For individuals who have retired, her specialty is helping clients enjoy their favorite activities and remain connected with friends and family.

And for those who are already working, Brianna is an expert at helping clients refine their communication skills, which has led many to promotions and increased success in their respective fields. Brianna understands every person/family is different and works closely with clients to understand their specific goals so they can achieve these goals during the course of treatment. Managing the trauma and heightened emotions of a speech and language disorder can be very trying on an individual, but Brianna provides support to clients/families during the entire treatment process and works collaboratively with other professionals to get you the comprehensive care you need.

Brianna also has significant experience working with children with speech and language disorders as a result of developmental delay, cerebral palsy, autism, TBI, hydrocephalus, microcephaly, and other medically complex conditions. Her background in child development guides her treatment approaches in helping kids grow and develop so they can enjoy being kids. With an understanding of how hectic family life can be, Brianna specializes in helping families provide a supportive language environment while integrating exercises into their typical daily routine so families are not burdened with additional work. Just as every adult is different, each child is different and Brianna works with families to understand their specific needs and what approach will work best for their children.

In addition to her clinical work, Brianna has taught guest lectures on the anatomy and physiology of speech mechanisms at San Francisco State University. She has also assisted research conducted by Dr. Jennifer Roberts and Dr. Kathleen Scott on the language development of internationally adopted children. Further, she assisted research on the efficacy of Emotional Vocal Exploration Therapy (EVEnt) for individuals on the autism spectrum conducted at the Atlas Foundation for Autism. Most recently she assisted Dr. Jessica Galgano who researched functional connectivity of neurological structures involved in speech.


Sarah Elbaum, MS


Sarah Elbaum received her Master’s of Science in Speech-Language Pathology from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and has a wide range of pediatric and adult clinical experience. She holds additional certifications of LSVT LOUD for children and adults with Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions and Teaching Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD) in New York City. Using a research based approach and client input to inform her clinical practice, Sarah emphasizes tailoring programs to meet each person and child’s needs by collaborating with those involved in the client’s care, including family and related professionals.

Through her work in outpatient clinics, public schools, and specialized private school settings, Sarah has evaluated and treated children who have primary speech and language delays or impairments, literacy disorders, communication needs as a result of stuttering, communication problems due to hearing loss, and complex communication needs. During her time at The River School, an inclusive school for children with hearing loss, Sarah helped to develop the school’s Upper Elementary speech-language curriculum. She also worked closely with educators, audiologists, and psychologists to support the student’s communication needs and applies this holistic approach to her clinical practice.

Sarah has also addressed the speech, language, cognitive and swallowing needs of adults at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic, VUMC Acute Care, and Pi Beta Phi Rehabilitation Institute. Clients included adults recovering post-stroke, Traumatic stroke, traumatic brain injury, or neurological condition. Whether working with individuals recovering from a stroke of TBI, assisting adults who are experiencing a neurodegenerative disorder, or addressing fluency and voice needs of clients, Sarah has helped individuals connect with their loved ones through spoken language and augmentative and alternative communication to improve their overall quality of life and help them successfully and confidently return to function. Sarah understands the importance of engaging in functional, meaningful tasks that will propel every child and adult towards their goals in treatment.

Isabella Pampillonia, MS


Isabella Pampillonia holds a Master’s of Science in Speech-Language Pathology from Stony Brook University School of Health Professionals and holds a certification in Teaching Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD). With extensive clinical experience across pediatric and adult populations, Isabella implements evidence-based practice with a person-centered approach. She prioritizes functional outcomes, tailoring therapy to meet each individual's specific needs and goals.

Isabella's diverse experience includes her work at Ridge Elementary School, where she supported students in both alternative learning programs and general education classrooms. She addressed a wide range of speech and language delays, impairments, and complex communication needs, including those of children with special needs who use augmentative communication devices. In this role, Isabella was a dedicated advocate for her students, collaborating effectively with educators and families to ensure comprehensive support.

Her interest and expertise extends to pediatric feeding concerns. Isabella enjoys working with little ones and their families to promote and enhance the oral-motor and feeding development of infants and preschool children. Additionally, Isabella has experience working with adults, addressing various speech, language, voice, cognitive, and swallowing needs at Stony Brook University Hospital and Northwell Health Physician Partners Otolaryngology Clinic.

Isabella is passionate about helping individuals reach their full potential, build confidence in their abilities, and achieve their goals.

Courtney Mintz, MS


Courtney Mintz received her Master’s of Science in Speech-Language Pathology from New York University. She holds certification in Teaching Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD).

Courtney has experience with pediatric, adult, and geriatric populations.Courtney has evaluated and treated children and adults with a wide array of speech and language disorders in hospital, clinic, and home settings, including the New York University and Terence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center. She has evaluated and treated adult and pediatric populations with speech and language disorders, including aphasia, as well as motor speech, cognitive communication, and swallowing disorders.

Courtney’s expertise in Kinesiology led to a career in communication disorders and sciences. She was a long time worker at the Aphasia Institute in Toronto, Canada, where she facilitated group conversation and other therapeutic and life participation programs for adults living successfully with aphasia.

Courtney is passionate about providing therapy that is personalized, engaging, and centered around an individual's needs and goals. Educating and training family members of people with aphasia have shown Courtney that providing client and family education is key to helping people reach their full potential and live successfully within their life. Courtney is committed to building strong relationships with her clients and their care partners so they feel supported as they navigate their journey.

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