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Learning or retraining any skill requires consistent practice and dedication. The same holds true for individuals working on language and communication skills. Without regular exercise and practice, one may struggle to communicate when anxious, experience difficulty finding the right words, and observe a decline in overall confidence. However, maintaining daily exercises can become tedious, and staying motivated can be challenging.

These challenges are often especially relevant for individuals living with aphasia, who often face additional barriers due to symptoms related to their health conditions. Studies indicate that people with aphasia (PWA) have higher rates of apathy, anxiety, depression leading some to retreat from regular social engagements or participation in previously loved activities. and a decreased quality of life. Moreover, side effects from medications can hinder adherence to therapy routines, not to mention the practical challenges of finding time and suitable locations for therapy sessions.

Recognizing this need and aiming to provide individuals with aphasia and other neurological disorders affecting communication a platform where they can stay motivated and connected with a supportive community, Open Lines® proudly presents a web-based Aphasia Communication Group.

Our Aphasia Communication Group is specifically designed for individuals who are retraining, strengthening, and preserving communication skills following a stroke, brain injury, or neurological condition.

The primary objective of this group is to assist members and their loved ones in practicing communication within a conversational context, while also exploring strategies to cope with the day-to-day realities of living with communication barriers. We understand that a welcoming support system addressing physical, emotional, and social needs is essential for maintaining motivation, managing stress, and living a confident and purposeful life.

The group classes are tailored to bolster word retrieval and language organization, helping individuals maintain and build upon the progress achieved in their individual therapy sessions. The aim is to facilitate the application of these skills in various conversational contexts, ensuring everyone remains committed and enthusiastic about their goals in a fun and socially engaging manner.

Led by a licensed, expert speech-language pathologist, each class lasts for 60 minutes.

Join Open Lines®‘ Aphasia Communication Group and embark on a journey towards improved communication, meaningful connections, and a brighter future. Together, let’s empower aphasia communication.

Anyone who has spent time learning a new skill, such as playing the piano, or obtained significant fitness gains working out at the gym, knows that continued proficiency and results require consistent, dedicated practice. The same is true for those working on language and communication goals. Without regular exercise practice, some may find they have difficulty communicating when anxious, struggle to find the rights words to express themselves, and experience an overall decline in their confidence communicating.  Even though we all know this, keeping up with daily exercises can become monotonous and it may be tough to stay inspired.

These challenges may be especially true for individuals living with aphasia who often face additional barriers related to continued participation in therapy programs due to symptoms characteristic of their health conditions. Research reports that individuals living with aphasia experience higher rates of apathy, anxiety, depression, and decreased quality of life. Additionally, side effects from medication can also hinder adherence to a regular therapy routines–not to mention practical challenges of time and place!

In recognition of this need and in an effort to provide PWA and other neurological disorders that affect communication with platforms where they can stay motivated and connected to a group of supportive individuals, Open Lines® is pleased to offer a web-based Aphasia communication group.

Our Aphasia Communication Group is tailored to individuals who are either retraining, strengthening, and/or preserving communication skills following a stroke, brain injury or, neurological condition.

This group was created with the intent to help group members and their loved ones practice communicating within a conversational context and explore coping with the day-to-day realities of living with communication barriers within a supportive and compassionate setting. We recognize that a welcoming support system that addresses physical as well as emotional needs and social connection are essential for maintaining motivation, managing stress, and living life with confidence and purpose.

The group class is aims to bolster word retrieval and language organization to help individuals maintain and improve upon gains made in individual therapy sessions in order to facilitate carry over of skills to a variety of conversational contexts keep everyone committed and excited about their goals in a fun and socially engaging way.

Classes are 60 minutes and led by a licensed, expert speech-language pathologist.

If you’re struggling with communication difficulties, it’s time to turn to Open Lines®. Contact us via phone (212-430-6800), email [email protected], or by filling out our convenient contact form. Improve your communication skills and unlock your potential with Open Lines® Speech and Communication in New York today!

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