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At Open Lines®, our licensed speech language pathologists help children and adults rebuild their lives, improve their communication, and enhance their delivery. As a way to highlight our talented and dedicated SLPs, we are offering a staff spotlight series to help our patients get to know our clinicians on a more personal level. Today, we are proud to feature Grace Ji Yan Tsang, who is a speech language pathologist at Open Lines®. Please read our previous staff spotlight on Bridget Murray Barrett, pediatric supervising speech language pathologist at Open Lines®.

Grace’s Background

Grace is one of Open Lines®’ specially trained and certified bilingual speech therapy providers. Fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English, Grace’s multilingual skill set and specialized training means she is able to offer multilingual clients culturally and linguistically-specific evaluations and treatment interventions for maximum communication gains across their various language environments.

Grace’s clinical practice spans both pediatric and adult populations with a specialized focused in  neurogenic communication disorders. Specifically, providing therapy to those living with aphasia, apraxia, cerebral palsy, and dysarthria. Grace’s clinical practice is additionally enriched by her work with children living with various communication challenges relating to developmental differences and autism.

Driven by optimism and a commitment to delivering innovative solutions, Grace also devotes her time to research. She worked alongside Dr. Jessica Galgano expanding effective treatment options for dysarthria using LSVT LOUD techniques.

Prior to joining Open Lines®, Grace received her Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology from Teachers College, Columbia University. She holds additional certifications in LSVT LOUD, Teaching Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD), and Speech Systems Intelligibility Treatment (SSIT).

Grace Ji Yan Tsang with Her Mother

What Do You Do at Open Lines®?

I support adults and children impacted by a vast array of communication and swallowing challenges. These services are offered in-home, in-clinic, or virtually.

In addition to my clinical work, I am also passionate about developing and designing visual materials that enhance information accessibility for those with communication challenges. I  collaborate with other members of my clinical team , medical and education teams and most importantly clients and families in order to create treatment materials that increase comprehension, client motivation, and ultimately improve therapeutic outcomes and meaningful life participation.

How Long Have You Been with Open Lines®?

Two years.

What Interested You in Joining Open Lines®’ Staff?

I was very interested in being part of a close-knit team that values upholding strong clinical skills through extensive mentorship. I was also interested in working with clients of all ages, backgrounds and clinical presentations. This was particularly impactful in my fellowship year offering me is an incredibly unique and rich learning experience. Being part of a strong team also means we are constantly communicating and learning from each other’s experience which is instrumental in developing clinical skills!

What Is the Most Rewarding Part of Your Job and Why?

The most rewarding part is hearing from clients or their families about how they’re meeting their therapy goals outside of the session. While it’s definitely amazing seeing people improve during the session, the best part is hearing or seeing how they’re able to take what we’ve practiced and apply it to their personal lives in a meaningful way.

Scenery Painting

What Is Your Favorite Quote, Food, and Hobby?

Quote: “Let the glitter fall where it may.”  Also my mother will say “平常心“ which directly translates to “normal heart.” It has to do with inner peace which I think all of us could do with!

Food: Steamed rice noodle rolls

Hobby: painting, playing the piano, reading, singing.

If you’re struggling with communication difficulties, it’s time to turn to Open Lines®. Contact us via phone (212-430-6800), email [email protected], or by filling out our convenient contact form. Improve your communication skills and unlock your potential with Open Lines® Speech and Communication in New York today!





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